Monday, March 2, 2009

Rick Santelli Sets the Record Straight

Remember Rick Santelli, the CNBC personality with the "rant heard round the world" against the proposed mortgage bailout of President Obama from the Chicago Board of Trade? After a hit piece in Playboy accused Santelli of timing his "rant" to aid the "tea party" protest movement in coordination with right-wing online groups, Santelli hit back. In a column, Santelli said:

Just for the record I have NOT been in favor of any of the bailouts not in the Bush administration nor the Obama administration. Not for the banks, the insurance companies, or the homeowners that purchased homes they can no longer afford. I have consistently questioned the notion that hard working Americans that have played by the rules should be on the hook for others ill fated financial behavior. This is very easily proven....the record is in the video archives of CNBC for any media outlet interested in representing the facts. Furthermore, the "rant heard around the world" (as it has been named by the media) on February 19th was spontaneous....not scripted....and any person, organization, or media outlet that claims otherwise IS INACCURATE.

Why does the Leftist media feel so threatened by Santelli that they must set out to destroy his credibility and impugn his motives? Perhaps its because they can't sustain a debate on the merits of Santelli's impassioned argument. This is textbook methodology on the Left: instead of challenging ideas, they destroy the individual with the ideas. The idea is to intimidate the opposition and his ilk into silence. This is toxic for the body politic.

Thank G-d that some people can't be intimidated. Rush Limbaugh is one of them. Rick Santelli, it would seem, is another.

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