Thursday, February 12, 2009

Caterpillar CEO: Just Another Greedy Capitalist?

The other day President Obama, in promoting his "stimulus" plan, stated that the Jim Owens, CEO of Caterpillar had praised the idea of a stimulus package and said that if the package passes, he'll be able to rehire some of the 22,000 people that are slated to be laid off by Caterpillar. Obama made the same claim today at an event at the Caterpillar plant in Peoria.

Problem is, according to ABCNews' Jake Tapper, that after the president left the event, Owens said the exact opposite.

Seems like President Obama is beginning to have somehwat of a credibility problem. He promised that his administration would be a lobbyist-free zone, yet many of his nominees and appointees are former lobbyists. He insisted that there could not be one set of rules for the regular folks and a different set of rules for people in power, yet his Treasury secretary is a confessed tax dodger. He vowed to usher in a new era of post-partisanship, yet allowed his Democrat allies to fashion an ideologically tainted "stimulus" bill in a highly partisan manner.

And now he claims the endorsement of his legislation by a corporate chieftain who says he didn't say what Obama says he said. Perhaps Mr. Owens is just another greedy capitalist who will say anything to keep workers off his payroll.

But until evidence of serial public falsehoods by Mr. Owens surfaces, I'll assume that the one with the proven pattern of dissembling is the one who is dissembling again.

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