Thursday, February 26, 2009

Atlanta Tea Party Friday at Noon

In an earlier post I mentioned that "tea parties" were held last week in Seattle, Denver, Overland Park, KS and Mesa, AZ in protest of the stimulus, bailouts and all other past, present and future government-mandated generational theft. Since that post on Sunday the House passed a $410 billion pork-laden omnibus spending bill and Pres. Obama unveiled his $3.6 trillion budget blueprint. Democrats complained last year about the appalling $400 billion deficit in the Bush budget, but have no problem at all with Obama's budget promising deficits of $1.7 trillion.

But don't worry: Obama says he'll cut the deficit in half in 4 years. Which would still put the deficit at twice the size of Bush's last budget.

To quote an Obamoid bumper sticker: "Have you had enough?"

Tomorrow there are tea parties in Nashville, Houston, Atlanta, D.C., St. Louis, Orlando and San Diego and many other cities. The Atlanta event is at noon at the Georgia State Capitol. Details here.

Folks, this isn't about Republicans and Democrats anymore. Its about America. If you're waiting for leadership from your friendly neighborhood elected official you'll be waiting a long time. There isn't any. We're on our own.

I know we all have that, gosh, I'd-love-to-go-down-to-the-capitol-but-I've-got-that-hair appointment-at-noon thing in our heads. But this being America each one of us can still make a difference. We only vote every 2 or 4 years. In the meantime we can make our vocies heard.

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