Monday, November 1, 2010

CItizen Christine of Delaware

You may have heard that a certain local cable outlet "forgot" to air this 30-minute paid advertisement for Christine O'Donnell over the weekend:

We the People of the First State from Friends of Christine O'Donnell on Vimeo.

I guess this is just the latest example of the Leftstream Media's attempt to marginalize Christine. I guess their attempt to discredit her as an extremist flake hasn't worked, so now they are simply refusing to let Christine make her case to Delawareans to be their next Senator.

Thanks to the internet, though, Christine's message is getting through.  If you have half an hour to spare, please watch this well-crafted video.  I feel confident that you will be inspired by this would-be citizen legislator.  You may even shed a tear or two, as I did.

Win or lose, Christine has shown poise and class in the face of some of the worst attacks in American political history.  Liberals hate her; Democrats demean her; the media mocks her and the GOP cuts her loose.  I hope she makes it to the Senate and gives them all fits.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:36 AM EDT

    The fact that you supported Christine O'Donnell
    says it all.
    No matter how unqualified or unprepared as long as the party affiliation is right.
    How sad and thoughtless.
