Thursday, March 25, 2010


Rep. James Clyburn, Democrat House Whip, suggests that GOP leaders are giving aid and comfort to terrorists and racists (aka Tea Party activists):

Really? In this country you have the right (still) to say anything you want. But as a public official--and a member of the leadership of the governing party at that-- you also have the responsibility to refrain from outrageous and incendiary allegations without a shred of evidence.

Believe me, if there was any evidence that Republicans were behind the threats that Democrat congressmen say they have received, we would have seen it by now.  But then again, with liberals it is the seriousness of the charge that counts, not the quality of the evidence.  So the charges--lies, actually-- get repeated by other Democrats and amplified by the media wing of the Democrat party.

You'd think the Democrats would be so happy their monstrous legislation passed that they'd be on all the cable shows talking it up.  But no.  Instead they are all over the airways accusing Americans scared and angry about the direction they have taken the country of being kooks, racists and terrorists.  Could it be that they are more comfortable attacking ordinary Americans than they are defending their votes to pass this wretched bill?

Since members of Congress have received death threats since time immemorial, why all of a sudden this hand-wringing over the issue?  And why suddenly accuse the GOP of inciting this so-called spate of violent threats?  My guess is that they know the lapdog media will try to put Republicans on the defensive and get them off their game of attacking the policies of the Democrats.

Based on the video I have seen of the comments of John McCain, Eric Cantor and Michael Steele, it looks like the Republicans aren't taking the bait.  In various interviews they were asked if they would urge their supporters to refrain from threats of violence.  Instead they forcefully called out the Democrats for their insidious and shameless attempts to politicize allegedly criminal behavior and to criminalize political discourse.

The only question after the Democrats year-long march to pass a bill unwanted by the majority of the American people and the attendant corruption of the political process is what, if anything, will Democrats NOT do to advance their thirst for absolute power and control?

I fear that we'll find out soon enough that the answer is "nothing."

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