Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Glenn Beck: Truth-Seeker or Fear-Monger

My friends and family know that I am big fan of Glenn Beck. I have listened to Beck's radio program on and off for years, but became a devoted listener about 18 months ago.

I have watched as the ratings of his Fox News program have steadily climbed since its debut in January. In terms of viewership, he long ago surpassed the likes of Larry King, Chris Matthews, Olberman and Maddow. Now he is approaching Hannity and O'Reilly territory. The Fox News shows in general have been adding viewers almost as fast as network news and CNN have been bleeding them.

Something is going on in the country. The people have been awakened from their media-induced trance. The health care debate may have been the tipping point, but the country's agitation is not about health care. It is about all that health care represents--the spending, the government intrusion into our daily lives, the arrogance of the political class, the hypocrisy, the bailouts, the stimulus, the headlong rush into financial oblivion caused by crushing deficits and debt.

People hunger for truth. It is in our nature. Americans especially love the truth, and abhor tyranny, even tyranny with a smiley face. Our yearning for freedom and liberty runs so deep that it remains standing even in the face of the multi-generational attempts by our government schools to wipe the history books clean of our founding principles.

Naturally, people turn away from media outlets suffused with scorn for their deeply held values, like personal liberty, individual freedom, traditional morality or God--especially God. People don't like to be mocked merely for holding strong beliefs. So they turn instead to those whose values and worldview reflect their own and whose opinions they respect even if they disagree with them.

Which brings me back to Glenn Beck. A few months ago I dragged my kids to see a live simulcast of his stage show, entitled "Common Sense." It was funny, poignant and a terrific reminder of America’s uniqueness and her founding promise. I have read his book of the same name, in which he articulates the timeless principles of Thomas Paine. Glenn is either the most honest political and social commentator, or the most talented liar, of our time.

In case you haven’t heard, Glenn has embarked on an ambitious 5-day series on Fox called
“The New Republic: America’s Future-- Reasonable Questions for Unreasonable Times.” This series is not about Barack Obama. It isn’t partisan. It is about what’s happening in our government and the people who surround our political “leaders.”

I have watched the first two episodes. The series is not some fear-mongering rant or a campaign of hate. It is a well-researched, documented and fact-laden look at some of the people advising Obama and Congress and the ideologies in which they are steeped. Glenn asks more questions than he answers, but even the questions are bracing and sobering.

It is the job of an independent media in a free society to question the government and the political class and to shine a light into the dark corners of the bureaucracy. The elite American media, however, are either unable or unwilling to perform their traditional role. So it is left to souls like Glenn Beck and others to fill the void.

I worry that Glenn will pay a price for having the gall to challenge our new overseers in the White House and Congress and Wall Street. The Left will pull out all the stops to try and marginalize him and even destroy him. They will do anything to shift the focus away from the truth of what they plan for this country. Perhaps their efforts are a good indication that Glenn is on to something.

Please watch the rest of Glenn’s series, starting tonight at 5pm. If you can’t watch it then fire up the old DVR and tape it. And please pass this post along to your friends, family and acquaintances and urge them to watch it too.

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