Friday, November 20, 2009

Damn it, I do like Sarah Palin

What is it about Sarah Palin that has the denizens of the "lamestream media" (Sarah's term, not mine) all tied up in knots? The has-been Bob Schiefer (you may have heard of him) declares that Sarah Palin has no future in politics, and Keith Olbermann becomes apoplectic at the news that Sarah Palin reads Newsmax magazine.

Newsweek magazine puts a purloined photo of a shorts-clad Sarah on its cover and declares that Sarah is "bad for the GOP and bad for the rest of us." The media fairly snarls with contempt for her, and even some mainstream Republicans stiffen at the very mention of her name.

Even my wife (who admittedly is not a Republican) and some of my close friends (who are) recoil at the very mention of her name. They declare with smugness that she's either too stupid, too shallow or too inexperienced to be president. When I ask for back up for these assertions, I am told that the burden is on me to prove that she isn't (stupid; shallow; etc.).

Is there another public figure in our history who has suffered the scrutiny and ignominy that Sarah has? The AP reportedly assigned eleven (11) staffers to "fact check" her book, Going Rogue, which was released on Tuesday. Nora O'Donnell of MSNBC ridiculed a 14-year old girl merely for being a fan of the former Alaska governor and now bestselling author. David Letterman, the poster boy for liberal tolerance of all things mysogynistic, makes crude (and unfunny) jokes about Palin's daughter sleeping with a baseball star.

I will leave it to others more qualified than me to analyze the phenomenon called "Sarah Derangement Syndrome" My own theory is that what the Left hates is the connection that Sarah has with ordinary Americans and timeless American values, like family, individual effort and accomplishment --without government assistance--free market capitalism and (especially) the belief in a loving God. The fact that she is an accomplished woman with five kids (including one with Downs Syndrome) who is not beholden to the narrow strictures and doxologies of radical feminism only adds fuel to the already blazing fire.

In other words, what the Left hates about Sarah is what they hate about you. They hate you because you love freedom, fear God and resist government trammeling on your Constitutional rights. They hate Sarah because she gives voice to the primal yearning for liberty, free speech, independence and free enterprise that resides deep in the DNA of every American.

The Left hates Sarah almost as much as they fear her. And they fear her because she has the capacity to light the spark of inspiration in the rest of us to resist everything that the Left represents.
Which is exactly why I like Sarah Palin. Damn it.

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