Sunday, June 28, 2009

Carter in Love

From the June 13 edition of the Jerusalem Post:

Former US President Jimmy Carter was honored by the Palestinian Authority government Saturday (June 13) and pledged to support the Palestinians' campaign for independence to the end of his days.

"I have been in love with the Palestinian people for many years,"
he said Saturday, adding that this is a feeling shared by members of his family

"I have two great-grandsons that are rapidly learning about
the people here and the anguish and suffering and deprivation of human rights
that you have experienced ever since 1948," he said.

Referring to President Barack Obama's call for an Israeli settlement freeze, Carter said that "in the future, I am sure, he will call for the dismantling of the settlements that exist."

Carter, 85, pledged his "assistance, as long as I live, to win your
freedom, your independence, your sovereignty and a good life.

Is there a more vile human being on the planet? It isn't
enough that Carter facilitated the downfall of the Shah 30 years ago and ushered
in the thugs who now murder innocent Iranians without consequence. Now he
spends his remaining days engineering the creation of an apartheid state
whose charter calls for the destruction of Jews. And to top it all
off, he has proudly infected his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren
with his sickness.

Oh happy will be the day when the earth is rid of this fetid twisted soul.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:56 AM EDT

    What an embarassment to have Jimmy Carter functioning as a representative (even if unofficial) of our country. What is the source of his hatred for Israel - it cannot be based on logic. Has there been any research done to trace the source of his evil impulses?
