Tuesday, January 26, 2010
"The Audacity of Oops"
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
War on the Left: Aftermath of Massachusetts
Friday, January 22, 2010
Abe Foxman Doesn't Speak for ME.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
How's that Reset Button Working So far?
Obama: Is the Magic Gone for Democrats?
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Mass. Senate Seat: Scott Brown Wins.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Haiti Relief
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Happy New Year. Lets Get Busy.
I will explain how I intend to do my part. But first, I have been remiss in taking care of some important housekeeping matters. Specifically, I want to do two things:
1. Remove from my email list any recipient who is not interested in reading my posts.
2. Add to my email list as many recipients as possible who would likely read, enjoy and benefit from my posts.
Here's how you can help:
1. If you do not want to read my emails, for any reason or no reason, I will be happy to take you off my list. No explanation necessary. Please email me at scottitaliaander@gmail.com and I will be happy to remove your name.
2. If you like what you read and want to keep receiving my posts, thats great. But if you also agree with me that our freedom and our liberty are endangered by the policies and politics and corruption of the governing elite--of both parties, and all branches--then I urge you to send me the names of at least five other friends, acquaintances or family members who can either be influenced or encouraged to engage in the struggle ahead.
I do not seek to gain from any contacts you send me. I would love to get paid for my writing some day, but in 2010 my mission is simply to do what I can to restore our country to its political, cultural and fiscal senses. Everyone who is so inclined has something to contribute to the effort. Some people can organize people and events; others can fundraise; and still others can run for office. Me, I write, in the hopes of informing and inspiring others. And I'd like to reach as wide an audience as possible.
I intend to devote a substantial amount of my free time reading, researching and writing about the issues that affect our nation and world in ways, hopefully, that will be useful to you, my reader. I will try to give information and ideas that will inspire you to action if you are so motivated. I will endeavor to put the events of the day in the context of our country's founding values and ideals as I understand them. I confess I know far too little about our nation's unique and mostly noble past, and am hurriedly trying to make up for years of lassitude and laziness in this regard.
Last year I spent a lot of time trying to keep up with the arcana of this or that legislative process or Administration proposal in order to give myself and my readers insight into the governing philosophy of our self-appointed betters. I have concluded that sometimes the devil is not just in the details, the devil is the details. We don't have to read subparagraph 12001B(a)(1)C of Senate Bill XXX to get a sense of where things are headed. After a year of Barack Obama and a hard-left Democrat congressional majority, I think we all know.
Less attention will be given in this space to the sordid and soul-deadening minutiae of the news, and more to a discussion of what the news means for those of us who want to change the future. 2009 saw unbelievable strides towards European-style Statism in America, but it also saw the first stirrings of a people's movement determined to thwart it. Tens of thousands of Americans showed up at hundreds of town hall meetings last summer and dozens of rallies at state capitols and in our nation’s capitol to express their frustration with the new regime's contempt for them.
Time magazine named Ben Bernanke as Man of the Year, but a more apt selection would have been Rick Santelli of CNBC who first called for a modern-day "Tea Party" to get the attention of the bunkered political class. The Tea Partiers are only vaguely organized, yet I expect that the Tea Party movement, whatever it ends up looking like, will be a permanent force in American politics for the foreseeable future. The movement may be in its winter dormancy, but undoubtedly it will sprout new “green shoots” come spring.
Americans might indeed be wedded to their comforts, but millions of us will not go gently into the black night of a social welfare state. We are not Europeans. Many of us will gladly risk being mocked by Nancy Pelosi and her media enablers--and worse-- if that's the price to be paid for regaining our liberty.
The movement doesn't require that a majority of Americans take part in order to prevail. Far from it. Most American adults rejected the drive for “independency” in the 1760s and 70s, and yet a motivated and passionate minority ultimately achieved a great victory. You and I and our fellow citizens can achieve a victory no less great.
If you want to join me in my efforts to help redeem America from the creeping tyranny of a professional and corrupt governing class-- then please stay on board.
And please send five or more names and email addresses, to scottitaliaander@gmail.com.
Lets get busy. Our country needs us.